23 products
Bernina Sewing Machine Needle 130/705 H Universal Assortment 5pk (002507.70.02)
Bernette 05 Academy
NEW - Bernina Foot #29 - Quilting Foot - 008469.73.00
NEW - Bernina Foot #50 - Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide - 008969.73.00
OLD - Bernina #68 Roll- and Shell Hemmer Foot 2mm - 002958.71.00
OLDER - Bernina Foot #50 - Three-Sole Walking Foot with Seam Guide - 008969.72.00
OLD - Bernina #14 Zipper Foot - 006388.71.00
NEW - Bernina Foot #3C - Buttonhole Foot with Slide 9mm - 033204.72.00
OLDER - Bernina Foot #29C - Plastic Quilting for 1630 - 003297.70.00
NEW - Bernina Snap-On Sole - Foot #4 - Zipper Sole - 032712.71.00
OLD - Bernina Foot #0 - Zig-Zag and Straight Stitch - 002598.71.00
CLASSIC - Bernina Foot #03A - Automatic Buttonhole - 031250.70.01
NEW - Bernina Foot #2 - Overlock Foot - 008446.74.00
NEW - Bernina Snap-On Sole - Foot #20 - Open Embroidery Foot Sole - 036630.70.00
NEW - Bernina Snap-On Sole - Foot #1 - Reverse Pattern Sole - 032707.71.00
NEW - Bernina Foot #68 - Roll and Shell Hemmer 2mm - 008486.73.00
NEW - Bernina Snap-On Sole - Foot #3 - Buttonhole Sole - 032714.71.00
OLDER - Bernina Foot #29 - Quilting Metal - 001128.71.00
Bernette B64 Airlock Serger